May 11, 2017

Edifix 3.0 is Here!

We are celebrating Edifix's third birthday with a new, fresh look! In addition to our updated look and feel, here are some of the new and/or improved features we’re most excited about, and we hope you will be too! (Don’t forget to check out our new Edifix video!)

Facebook and Google Login

You can now log in with Google or Facebook (provided you used the same email address to sign up). New users can sign up for an Edifix account with Google or Facebook!

Automatic Edifix Job Titles

If you decide not to fill in a job title when creating a new job (or if you’re in a hurry and forget), Edifix will now give it a label for you (Untitled Job 1, etc.), so it’s easier to find and distinguish between previous jobs. Of course, you can still update the job name at any time!

Easier Access to Sample References

Whenever you need those handy sample references, you can now access them right below the reference input box!

Tips and Tricks at Your Fingertips

To help you and Edifix do your best work together, we’ve put some of the most common FAQ topics and issues in handy pop-up tip windows right on the reference input/output page. Click the ⓘ to access them! And if you need more detailed info, check out our expanded FAQs.

Word Auto-numbering? No Problem!

Edifix will now replace Word’s number fields with real sequential numbering, so you’ll never have to worry about losing your reference numbering (or about replacing it yourself).

See Changes Right Away!

Edifix’s maximally informative Show Changes view is now the default output view, so it’s easier for you to see exactly what corrections were made during processing.

Have a question about our updated interface? Want to share your excitement? Send our team an email at We'll be happy to hear to from you!
