October 09, 2018

Edifix Release, 9 October 2018: URL Handling Fix

Today’s Edifix release fixes two items.

The first is a rare but critical issue recently experienced by a customer: a URL link in a reference that appeared in the Edifix output window but was dropped from the JATS XML export.

The issue turned out to be face formatting (in this case, underlining) applied to the URL in the original input. We’ve now updated the XSLT to better handle face formatting (underlining, bold, and/or italics) applied to URLs.

You’ll also notice an update to the markup of links in your JATS XML exports: we’ve added the JATS xlink:href attribute to all external links. Your links should now look like this:

<ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://inera.com"> https://inera.com</ext-link>

This markup makes the link actionable (that is, it can be clicked) in accordance with W3C recommendations.

We’ve also fixed an issue with filename extensions for exported Edifix references:

  • Removing the unnecessary .csv filename extension from Medline and RIS exports
  • Adding information to the filename when the file is specifically encoded with UTF-8

For example, when exporting to RIS UTF-8, Customer_XYZ_2018-10-9.ris.csv will now be Customer_XYZ_2018-10-9.utf8.ris.

Questions? Edifix Support is here for you at support@inera.com!

Link: https://www.edifix.com/blog/edifix-release-9-october-2018-url-handling-fix