May 31, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday, Edifix!

Birthday candle, confetti, and birthday card

Thank you for a fantastic year!

We are so happy to celebrate our second year of ‘fixing references with you. Edifix entered its second year with a host of new technologies and a slick new user interface.

Edifix by the numbers

In year two, the ever-helpful “Eddy Fix” has corrected over 346,000 references and inserted over 193,000 PubMed links and 203,000 Crossref DOI links.

We added 5 new (or revised) export tools:

  • HTML
  • Word .doc
  • BibTeX
  • View-dependent JATS XML export (for production!)
  • UTF-8 versions of Medline and RIS (hello, special character retention!)

And we created 2 new editorial styles:

  • SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
  • ASM Press (American Society for Microbiology)

We attended over 4 conferences, including:

  • SFEP/SI (UK)
  • SSP
  • Charleston Conference
  • CSE

And who can forget Edifix’s major make-over? We love the new Edifix Jobs and Subscription History pages, and we hope you do, too!

Many of the improvements you saw this year came directly from your feedback. Thank you! Please continue to send us your hopes and dreams for auto-magically correcting your references.

Best wishes,

The Edifix Team
