June 15, 2022
In June 2022 we added a style option for Rockefeller University Press.
Here's an example of a reference Edifixed in RUP style:
Molter, C., J. O’Neill, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Hirase, and X. Leinekugel. 2012. Rhythmic modulation of θ oscillations supports encoding of spatial and behavioral information in the rat hippocampus. Neuron. 75:889–903.
For the complete set of examples, see here.
Remember, you can always find the latest style list in our Edifix FAQs!
Link: https://www.edifix.com/blog/what-s-new-in-edifix-styles-225750d4-4db5-47ad-b02a-d74451b4e6da